Vinayakar chaturthi special scutchgrass of history

Vinayaka chaturthi special

 scutch grass of history

 There is also a very beautiful philosophy that the scutch grass (அருகம்புல் arugampul) is the most favorite of Ganesha.

History of Scutch grass 

Analasuran is a Asuran (அசுரன்)   he arrogantly persecuter  to Daevargal

 ( தேவர்கள்)‌

Vinayakar  decided In order to destroy him. So   Lord Ganesha took all his Bootha ganangal (பூதகணங்கள்)  went to war.

Analasuran destroys all the giants with his fire called Anal.

So Ganesha angrily swallows Analasura.  But Vinayakaperuman is unable to bear the heat of Analasura's fire.

Bring Ganga water jug ​​by jug and let the anointing heat go down - at the end ..

To put a sage Arugambulla on Ganesha's head- Ganesha's irritability was also contained.

Everyone should know and worship the specialty of the magnificent Arugambul which can cool down the heat and give coolness.

The motivation  of Arugambul's worship is that if all the worshipers worship  , we  will bless them by removing the misery of the heat and giving them a cool and pleasant life.

If writing divine grace is bliss then reading is bliss!  May that pleasure abound to all in the world.

If writing divine grace is bliss then reading is bliss!  May that pleasure abound to all in the world.

Thank you 🙏 Balakshitha 🌹


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