
Showing posts from November, 2021

Annamalai Deepam in Tiruvannamalai

 Annamalai Deepam The speciality of Annamalai Deepam in Tiruvannamalai The worm transforms into a colored insect,  Insect metamorphosis beautiful deer,  The deer disappeared and became a human being, and I saw the face of a smiling child When I say the name Om Namachchivaya .. it is true that he will give high status. nnamalaiyar Deepam is the best fasting day in the month of Karthika.TDeepam is a traditional fasting day worshiped by Hindus.  The best anointing service will be held at Thiruvannamalai in remembrance of Lord Shiva. The specialty of the temple is the loading of  ThiruvannamalaiNeydeepam with large width.ody punniyam will be blessed to see the Capricorn torch  Millions of devotees will gather at the temple on that day.   A wonderful day when we can gain clarity in life.  It is very good to light 27 lanterns thinking of Annamalaiyar on that day. We get the blessing of 27 stars. The evil in the horoscope will go away.  There will be good change in life God Sivan is the feede

The most important fasting days to follow in life ..

 The most important fasting days to follow in life  Fasting is worshiping the deity with our mind...  If we fast like that all the things we thought would come true. He will not say no and will give the gift to the devotees.   Let us praise and we worship him.  If the mind is a stabilizer the things we can think of will be accomplished quickly. Definitely have a clear intention.   Thoughts should be clear If there is virtue one can definitely get the grace of the Lord.  Life will be better not only in this birth but also in the next birth.  They will live happily ever after in life.  There are many fasts, however we will find the names of a few fasts here...  Vedic fasting - fasting once a year (Ganesha Chaturthi - Thaipusam) Lust (kaamiya viratham) fasting - தம் Fasting that is performed in order to accomplish something (all special days)  Eternal fasting - A fast that is performed by confessing oneself to the Lord without expecting any benefit.  Daily fasting - The fast of giving Tit

How to become a better writer?

 How to become a better writer? If writing is a pleasure for writers, then the reader should enjoy it.  This is the grammar of writers Don't buy back if you think you have to write a lot and succeed. Be sure Must be well-intentioned.  That stubbornness will succeed.  The beautiful texts written by Sivapathasundaram, the author of wonderful travel literature such as books  Manikkavasagar Footprint, Gautama Buddha Footprint, Cheikh Footprint.. When I reading  still don’t mind putting the book down today. The man who went to the respective places for corrections and made history by writing about the incident that took place there. He was able to achieve this only because he had both stubbornness and determination in his mind. The grammar for becoming a writer is .. The writing must be authentic.  Must be admirable.  Must be interesting. Must be interested in what's next.  The reader must stand in the mind.  Only then will you be branded as the best writer ever. There are millions

Speciality of Kandha sasti

  Speciality of Kandha sashti Kanda Sashti should fast for six days and worship Lord Murugan for our thoughts and prayers to take place.   If we look at the anointings of Lord Murugan and pray, all things will surely happen. How to see? Seeing with the mind of Lord Murugan is beauty. If you want to think of Murugan, thought will happen. Singing the praises of Lord Murugan on that day is special.e Readandasashti by lighting. Pronounce the mantra Om Saravanapava. Take milk and fruit for dinner. Those who see the anointing of Lord Murugan will have a happy life. Milk purifies the mind in anointing Ghee anointing removes all evil. Yogurt clarifies the thought in anointing. Sandalwood gives a healthy life in anointing. The child is blessed with the anointing of the fruit Honey brings good memories of the anointing.  Coconutwater gives a happy life in the anointing. Vibudhi Manam puts the philosophy of life  During these six days, visit the temple of Lord Murugan and see the significance of