Speciality of Kandha sasti


Speciality of Kandha sashti

Kanda Sashti should fast for six days and worship Lord Murugan for our thoughts and prayers to take place.

  If we look at the anointings of Lord Murugan and pray, all things will surely happen.

How to see?

Seeing with the mind of Lord Murugan is beauty.

If you want to think of Murugan, thought will happen.

Singing the praises of Lord Murugan on that day is special.e Readandasashti by lighting.

Pronounce the mantra Om Saravanapava.

Take milk and fruit for dinner.

Those who see the anointing of Lord Murugan will have a happy life.

Milk purifies the mind in anointing

Ghee anointing removes all evil.

Yogurt clarifies the thought in anointing.

Sandalwood gives a healthy life in anointing.

The child is blessed with the anointing of the fruit

Honey brings good memories of the anointing.

 Coconutwater gives a happy life in the anointing.

Vibudhi Manam puts the philosophy of life 

During these six days, visit the temple of Lord Murugan and see the significance of life.

Kanda Kumara Murugaya Vadivela you bless us

Thank u 🙏 Balakshitha 🌹

Copy rights at Balakshitha


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