Pradosham for Shivan


 pradosham for Shivan

Method of fasting on pradosham

It is very special to inhale the meditation of a yogi to get the grace of Lord Shiva on that day.

 The penance of a yogi is ...

Need to peaceful  the mind for a minute

 2nd minute to think of  sivan thoughts..

  At the 3rd minute his name

 Om namachi shivaya  should be read

4th minute Agambavam should disappear

 Arrogance should be removed in the 5th minute.

 At the 6th minute, the Lord should be placed inside and worshiped 

 In the 7th minute five face lights should be lit off the flame

At the eighth minute, the elixir of life must arise

  9th minute Worship should look beautiful ..

At the eighth minute, the elixir of life must arise

  9th minute Worship should look beautiful scene at the moment

I found out in the 10th minute - I found my soul to possess the  God Siva , in this dying human birth - my greatness.

Emperuman Sivan  will sanctify our thoughts.  He will flower the scene we see - he will give us a vision of wealth - he will bless the family to be happy.

Om shivaya namaha Om shivaya namaha Om shivaya namaha

Copy rights at Balakshitha


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